In the year 1953 a group of residents of West Whiteland Township gathered at the West Whiteland School to discuss the possibilities of forming its own fire department. Until this time, the residents depended upon the neighboring fire companies to respond to the township for emergencies. The main concern was the travel time of those neighboring companies to West Whiteland, and the need for a fire department became apparent.
On November 23, 1953, the court officially decreed the newly formed West Whiteland Fire department Charter and its incorporation.
The first official meeting of the West Whiteland Fire Department occurred December 1953 with the election of officers: William Lindeke, President; Thomas McIlvaine, Vice President; Kenton Newlin, Secretary; Donald Eastburn, Treasurer. The election of active force officers occured March 8, 1954, with George Gale as Chief; Norman Coates, Assistant Chief; and Franklin Funderwhite, Captain.
In the spring of 1954, the fire department purchased land along the north side of route 30, one half mile east of route lOO (Exton crossroads), for the sum of $1, 000. A three bay fire house was built with a kitchen and small loft that served as an office and storage. A roller skating rink was constructed on the rear of the fire house in an effort to support the new fire department. In these early days of the fire department, fire hydrants were non-existent in the township. The need for a tank truck became apparent and an addition to the skating rink was built to house the tank truck purchased by the fire department. This remained the home of the West Whiteland Fire Department until November 1973, when an eight bay fire house with a banquet facilities, kitchen, member's room and offices was built and dedicated on the fire department’s twentieth anniversary. In 1996 a major construction project was undertaken by the fire department with the addition of an administrative wing at the rear of the existing building, along with two additional bays for apparatus along with renovations of the existing apparatus bay to permit the housing of a 102’ aerial platform.
December 13, 1953 A group of residents of West Whiteland township gathered at the West Whiteland Consolidated School (now Exton Elementary) to discuss the possibilities of forming its own fire department. Until this time, the residents depended upon neighboring fire companies to respond to the township for emergencies. The main concern was the travel time of those neighboring companies to West Whiteland and the need for a fire department became apparent.
November 23, 1953 The Court officially decreed the newly formed West Whiteland Fire Department Charter in its corporation.
December 1953 The first official meeting of the West Whiteland Fire Department was held with the election of officers: President-William Lindeke, V. Pres.-Thomas McIlvaine, Sec.-Kenton Newlin, Treas.-Donald Eastburn.
January 11, 1954 The Fire Company began its operations with a starting balance of $249.60.
February 8 1954 An Active Force was organized and a membership drive began.
March 8 1954 The election of active force officers was held: Chief-George Gale, Assist. Chief-Norman Coates, Captain: Franklin Funderwhite. The Departments first engine (1936 Dodge) was purchased from Willow Street Fire Company in Lancaster County for $1,200.
April 1954 Bonds were issued to pay for construction of a new fire house.
Spring 1954 The Fire Dept. purchased land along the North side of Route 30, one half mile east of Route 100(Exton crossroads) for $1,000. The land was 100' x 108'. Five additional acres were leased at $1.00 per year per acre.
On this property a 3 bay firehouse was built with a kitchen and small loft that served as an office and storage. A roller skating rink was constructed on the rear of the fire house in an effort to support the new Fire Department.
The Ladies Auxiliary was formed.
In these early days of the Department, fire hydrants were non-existent in the township. The need for a tank truck became apparent.
July 12 1954 First Fire Police were sworn in.
An addition to the skating rink was built to house the tank truck that was purchased by the Fire Department.
August 8 1954 A used American LaFrance pumper was purchased from Narberth Fire Company for $200.
November 4 1954 Fire Apparatus was housed at Hodge Estate Garage at routes 100 and 30.
December 5 1954 Major train wreck occurred on Ship Road and depleted the fire companies resources. During the alarm, was a serious house fire on Boot Road at Bakers Welding. Downingtown Fire Company responded for West Whiteland.
January 1955 Membership approved construction of a Fire House and Roller Rink for $120,000.
February 1955 Fire Siren was installed at Jenkins Gas Station at Rte. 100 and 30(northeast corner). It was open 24 hours and took all fire calls.
March 3 1955 Fire Police truck was authorized. A used panel truck was purchased.
May 9 1955 Albert Miller was elected Chief.
August 1 1955 First new fire truck was ordered. ALF at $14,833 with full equipment, hose, fire coats, hats and boots. The trucked pumped 945 gpm, contained 500 gallons of water, 1500 feet of 2.5" and 500 feet of 1.5" hose, foam, wet water and a portable pump.
December 1955 Dedication, Parade and Housing was held at the new fire house.
January 1956 Exton Roller rink was opened. Five hundred attended the opening night during a snow storm.
September 1956 First 2-way radios were installed in the apparatus.
December 1956 44 total fire calls for the year
March 1957 Two 5 gallon hand pumps were donated to the Fire Company.
June 1957 Used 1937 ALF pumper was purchased.
June 1957 The use of coin cards are used for the township residents to give money to help keep up with maintenance of the fire trucks. The cards have pockets to hold 16 quarters. Once it is filled it was returned or the members collected them and returned them to the company.
December 1958 85 total fire calls for the year.
January 1958 Kenneth Fulton was elected as Company President.
March 1958 Heaviest snow storm ever to hit Chester County called the Fire Company into action to perform rescues, deliver food to homes and answer several fire calls. The fire house was used as a Rescue Headquarters and helicopters were landed in the parking lot.
January 1959 Board members approved authorization to purchase a used Ford F600 Pumper for use as a Field Truck. It was purchased in the amount of $400. Meadowbrook Manor donated $300. towards the purchase.
March 1959 Junior membership was approved for 16 to 18 year olds.
July 1959 10 members entered the tug of war at Goshen Fair.
During the same month, fire bells were installed in 11 members homes. Two controls, one at Esso (Exxon at rte.100 and 30) and one in the engine room. Bell homes are to notify at least 2 other members at an alarm.
December 1959 50 total fire calls for the year.
May 11, 1960 Chief Al Miller was given authorization to purchase 2 Scott Air Packs.
August 23 1960 Company purchased a 1960 Ford C-950 cab and chassis for $6,878.00
September 1960 New Ford Pumper ordered for $22791.
December 1960 73 total fire calls for the year with seven of those being Mutual Aid.
February 1961 New Ford Econoline van ordered for Fire Police.
December 1961 58 total fire calls for the year: 23 Field 15 structures 2 dump
8 emergencies 8 automobiles 2 false alarms
August 25, 1962 A parade and housing was held with Lionville, Downingtown, W. Chester and E. Whiteland to be the housing company's.
December 1962 104 total emergency calls.
1964 102 total alarms
January 1965 Alarm system was upgraded to a device that was activated by pushing a button at the alarm station. This would sound the siren, ring the bells and give the location of the fire within seconds.
February 1965 Reports were made of a committee within the company that were trying to form a substation in the Sunset Grove area. The committee was given authorization to negotiate for land for the project. This idea quickly came to a stop when the committee realized that the cost of the project was too high.
November 1965 New Dodge Field Truck ordered for $11911.
December 1965 109 total alarms
March 1966 Mutual Aid system was set up between East Whiteland and West Whiteland companies to respond to each others alarms.
April 1967 Additional Scott air pack was delivered.
Exton Lions Club donated 2 Indian Tanks.
April 1968 New Ward LaFrance 1000 GPM Pumper ordered for $19,800.
April 1968 Instalerts authorized for member's homes for notification of fires via radio signals.
February 1972 Property on Hendricks Ave was purchased for construction of the new firehouse.
1973 Chester County Fire Radio went into service to dispatch emergency calls for the county.
1973 The Ladies Auxiliary gave the fire company a hose scrubbing washer and hose dryer and is still used in 2005.
February 1973 Old property on Route 30 sold.
November 1973 An 8 bay fire house with a banquet facility, kitchen, member's room and offices was built and dedicated on the fire departments 20th Anniversary. This is the present site at Bartlett and Crest Avenues.
January 1974 New 100 ft Seagrave Ladder Truck ordered for $80,301.
August 1974 The first female fire fighters joined the ranks of the company: Cathy Kirk and Doris Green. Pamela Edwards followed a month later. Doris later became a qualified driver of an engine.
May 1975 Farm House burns. Currently Exton Station Condominiums at rte 100 and Ship and King Roads.
September 1975 New Scott airpacks were placed on Engine 61.
May 1976 New Rescue Pumper ordered for $22,800.
January 1978 George Turner elected Fire Chief.
January 14 1978 busiest 24 hour period with 11 alarms including 2 structure fires.
January 6 1979 Plane down near Route 30. No injuries.
May 1979 Wyntre Brook Apartment fire.
June 1979 West Chester Hide Co. fire $105,000. loss. Our tanker rolled over responding to the call and damaged beyond repair.
September 1979 1976 White Tractor worth 6200 gallon Trailer purchased.
March 3 1980 Fire at WAMAC at 1435 Pottstown Pike causes $1,000,000. in damages, no injuries.
May 1980 1981 Sutphen pumper ordered for $95,000.
1982 Ladder 6, Rescue 6, and Engine 61 renovated.
June 1983 Assist to East Whiteland for a multiple fatality fire.
July 1983 Tank truck explodes from welding accident; Welder dies and 2 firefighters injured.
August 1983 Explosion and fire at Johnson Matthey; Damage in excess of $1 million.
1984 Lowest incidence of structure, woods and field fires in seven years.
May 1984 New Sutphen 1500 GPM Pumper ordered for $127,000
October 1985 Fire Department enters the computer era with purchase of 640k Personal Computer.
November 1985 Air Cascade System ordered.
January 1986 David Jones elected as Fire Chief.
May 1986 Ford Crown Victoria Fire Chief's vehicle purchased for $12,000.
March 1986 One of a series of arson fires along route 30 also struck Whitford Hall (now Fulton Bank) on Route 30(across from Frank's Nursery) causing an estimated damage of $35,000. to the 18th century vacant home.
1986 Charburger Restaurant fire causing $100,000. in damage. Along with West Whiteland, E. Whiteland, Lionville, Alert, Minquas, Goodwill, Kimberton and Avondale Fire companies responded. No water supply in the immediate area caused the need for pumpers to provide water.
September 1986 The Fire Company held a dedication, parade and housed 2 pumpers, a 6,000 gallon tank truck and a 1986 Chief's car.
1987 Election resulted in President-Ted Hickman, Vice President- Larry "Ski" Cosowski, Secretary-Tom Reilly, Treasurer-Sue Gordon, Financial Secretary-John Meade.
March 1987 Rescue truck was placed on order.
1987 1975 E One "Quick attack" mini pumper went up for bid to be sold.
December 1986 329 total fire calls made. 67 Mutual Aid calls with one being to the city of Philadelphia.
June 1988 Fox Run Apartments fire. Numerous town houses under construction were lost.
August 27 1988 Rescue 6 was sold and driven to its new home Blue Mound Fire Company in Fort Worth, Texas for $20,000.
November 1988 Heavy Rescue ordered for the amount of $210,000.
December 5 1988 Company placed into service Rescue 6. $210,000.
1988 Duplex Marion Rescue Body Super Command to replace the 1975 E One GMC mini attack pumper.
December 1988 324 total fire calls for the year. Mutual Aid was 78 calls.
January 1989 Company Officers: President: Scott Marshall, Vice Pres. Ed Martin, Secretary: Bob Kirkpatrick, Financial Sec.: John Meade, Treasurer: Sue Killian
January 1989 - 1980 Ford Econoline van place in service as 2nd Traffic Unit.
May 1989 Company purchased a 1989 Ford Econoline van from Suburban Propane and was designated as Squad 6 to be used in transporting man power to fire and rescue scenes.
August 1989 1968 Ford/Ward LaFrance engine went up for sale
October 11 1990 West Whiteland Fire Company received $69,065.87 in State Grant money.
December 12 1990 Past Chief Albert Miller passes away. He was 65 years old.
August 16 1991 Suspected arson fire at abandoned Continental Refrigerator Company (CRC), located on Route 30, East of Ship Road. This property was a designated Federal Superfund Site.
March 1992 Fire fighter accountability tags went into service for the company.
August 27 1992 Assisted West Chester at dramatic Seven Oaks Apartment fire that left over 100 families without a home.
February 5 1993 Wyntre Brook Apartment fire contained to single upstairs unit with smoke and water damage to first floor unit.
May 1993 New Ford Explorer place in service as Fire Chief's vehicle and replace the Crown Vic.
May 20 1993 Albert C. Miller Park dedicated in Exton in memory of Fire Chief and Supervisor.
November 17 1993 Two killed, eight injured when they were overcome by poisonous gas while cleaning inside tanker trailers at Pentron Tanks Center at Boot and King Roads.
January 1 1994 911 Service becomes available countywide.
1994 New Chevrolet Suburban delivered for use in transporting manpower.
March 1994 Fire at Rino's Pizza near Exton Square Mall causes $75,000 in damage to structure and $50,000. damage in contents.
August 1994 Whiteland West Apartments fire.
November 1994 New Ford E-350 1-Ton Traffic Unit placed in service and designated as Traffic 6.
December 1994 Two serious dwelling fires. 410 Hunter Lane and 403 Balderston Drive.
1995 Township donated 1979 Chevrolet 1-Ton Pick up truck which was converted by members to serve as Brush Truck.
October 1995 Ball and Ball fire started in the dust collector located in the roof.
1996 A major construction project was under taken by the Fire Department with the addition of an administrative wing at the rear of the existing building, along with 2 additional bays for apparatus along with renovations to the existing apparatus bay to permit the housing of a 102' aerial platform.
April 11, 1996 King Road, single family home dwelling fire determined to be arson set by one of the occupants after a domestic disturbance.
August 21 1996 Group home for mentally handicapped adults on Locust Lane, Meadowbrook Manor burns in early morning hours resulting in death of one staff member and three residents. Four fire fighters were honored with the "Hero and Bravery Awards" Steve DiLuigi, Ken Walker, Jr., Deputy Chief Kenneth M. Beans and Jim Kelch
June 31 1997 Four teenagers trapped in horrific crash after fleeing from police. Two teenagers were saved, but tragically, two died of their injuries.
November 1997 100 ft. Aerial Tower on Duplex chassis and LTI Body purchased for $780,000.
December 1997 Two building fires. An accidental fire at 222 Brecknock Terrace destroyed 3 additional townhouses before being brought under control. Another accidental fire at 66 Atherton Court caused $100,000 damage.
April 1998 An Infrared Camera capable of seeing trapped victims through smoke was dedicated to the fire department by Township resident D. Willenbrock.
July 31 1998 Hazardous Chemical spill at Thomas Meeting Development involving Chlorine spill in basement of administration building. County Haz-Mat responded.
September 24 1998 Whitford Towing Garage at Clover Mill Road was fully involved upon arrival of fire fighters. $200,000 damage.
March 1998 Two new Pumpers, rated at 2000 gallons per minute, built on Duplex chassis with Saulsbury bodies were place in service for $365,000 a piece. Equipment cost $100,000
March 1998 Twin engines were purchased. Engine 6-1 and 6-2 at $365,000 a piece. They both pump water at 2,000 gpm, built on Duplex chassis with Saulsbury bodies. Equipment for the trucks totaled $100,000.
1999 Two Automatic Electronic Defibrillators (AED) purchased for Rescue 6 and Engine 6-1.
1999 New Ford Expedition purchased for use as Fire Chief's Vehicle. Old Fire Chief's vehicle was redesignated the Deputy Fire Chief's vehicle. A jeep Cherokee was obtained from the Township Police Department and designated the Assistant Chief's vehicle.
March 1999 Major Apartment fire at Atherton Drive in Thomas Meeting Development. Four units burned, two heavily damaged by smoke and water. All units declared uninhabitable.
April 14 1999 minor fire at Exton Square Mall caused evacuation of North side of the building.
June 16 1999 Two story home fully engulfed. Total loss. One minor injury to firefighter.
September 14 1999 Fully involved construction trailer on Mountain View Drive resulting in a total loss.
September 16 1999 Fully involved accessory building used to hold hay on Church Farm School property a total loss.
October 23 1999 Electrical fire at Exton Square Mall causes evacuation and injures two workers. Quick response from fire department limited damage to the electrical room. Damages estimated at $400,000.
October 2001 The new Brush 6 arrived and is being fitted for radios and lighting.
2002 Election Results:
Chief-Bud Turner Deputy Chief-Ken Beans Jr. Asst. Chief-Norm Shirk
Captain-Mark Moses 1st Lieutenant-Ken Walker Jr. 2nd Lieutenant-Mark Koenig
Fire Police Captain-Jeff Wojtesik Fire Police Lieutenant-Tom DiOrio
Chief Engineer- Phil Stout
April Due to lack of interest, Ladies Auxiliary has been disbanded.
Board Elections for 2003
President-Scott Smith Vice President-Dan Delaney
Secretary-Marty Strauch Treasurer-Luann McIlvaine Financial Secretary-John Meade
February 6, 2003 Member John Meade passed away
August 2003 Life member Walt Carpenter passed away while residing in Florida
November 22 Members, families, Township Officials and previous members gathered to celebrate West Whiteland Fire Company's 50 years of service.
November30 Members suffered yet another loss of member Thomas DiOrio who fell victim to a heart attack while on Fire Police duty at a fire alarm. Tom is recognized at the National Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial.
2004 Election Results
Fire Chief-Bud Turner Deputy Chief-Norm Shirk Assistant Chief-Mark Moses
Captain-Ken Walker Jr. 1st Lieutenant-Mark Koenig 2nd Lieutenant-Kevin Beans
Chief Engineer-George Clark
Fire Police Captain-Ken Bird Fire Police Lieutenant-Dan Delaney
Fire Police Sergeant-Al Greenleaf
November 2012 Two new Engines were placed in service